Company Registration

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  • 1What is the procedure for setting up a Hong Kong company ?

    1. Provide three company names for the proposed company to check their availability name with the Hong Kong Companies Registry (“CR”)
    2. After completing our "Incorporation Questionnaire", the Client should provide IPAS a copy of the identity card or passport (for Individual), a copy of Certificate of Incorporation and the Business Registration Certificate (for corporate), a copy of address proof issued in recent 2 months for each of the Company's shareholders, directors and company secretary.
    3. IPAS will inform to the Client of the name search result, readiness of the required information, and forward the invoice of the incorporation service to Client for settlement.
    4. Upon receipt of the payment and the duly signed “Incorporation Questionnaire” from the Client, IPAS will proceed with the application for the Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration Certificate.
    5. IPAS will notify the Client to collect the Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration Certificate and minutes book, share certificate book, various register, company chop etc. for the new registered company, when they are issued.

  • 2Is it necessary to appoint IPAS to be the company secretary of the new company if you entrust IPAS to set up a Hong Kong company?  What does the IPAS company secretarial service include?
  • 3What does the IPAS company secretarial services include?
  • 4IPAS also provides overseas company registration, such as in the British Virgin Island (BVI).  Procedures for setting up an overseas company are :
  • 1After the establishment of a Hong Kong company, what are the annual compliances to be dealt with?

    1. To renew the Business Registration Certificate by paying the prescribed fee to the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department.
    2. To submit an annual return together with annual fee to the Hong Kong Companies Registry.
    3. To conduct its annual general meeting in accordance with the accounting reference period.
    4. To submit the audited financial statements, Profit Tax Returns etc. of the company in accordance with the Hong Kong tax regulations.

  • 2What changes have been made in filing an annual return under the existing new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (2014) ?
  • 3According to the new Companies Ordinance (2014) in Hong Kong, what changes have been made to the execution of the Company's documents?
  • 4Can we de-register the private limited company incorporated in Hong Kong ?
  • 5How can the time and money used in preparing for due-diligent be saved when your company undergoes a share transfer or merger and acquisition project ?
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